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How To Make Sense of this Crazy World We Live In
The world can feel like an overwhelming and confusing place. But it doesn’t always have to be. So here are 4 ideas/bits of inspiration on storytelling, our greatest tool for decoding life:
Play the Long Game
Days are short, years are long — Most days, I don’t feel particularly productive. I don’t usually feel like I got a lot done at the end of a day and I never get all the way through my to-do list.
Control is an Illusion
As I entered adulthood, I felt an intense pressure to establish myself in the world. I was looking for safety and security. My way of chasing this down was by working and making money
I Refuse to Become Cynical.
I believe that we always have the chance to shape the world. That we are shaping the world whether we like it or not.
Your Internal Universe is a Beautiful Place
The world that we live in feels like it’s making less and less sense. Or maybe I’m just thinking more critically and finding all kinds of inconsistencies everywhere I look.
Your Environment Shapes You (Lifestyle Design)
The world that we live in feels like it’s making less and less sense. Or maybe I’m just thinking more critically and finding all kinds of inconsistencies everywhere I look.
How to Remember The Things That Are Important
Just a little over a year ago, my life (and many lives around the world), took a dramatic shift in a direction I couldn’t have imagined.
Shortcuts Don’t Exist
One thing that really hit me while trying Picasso’s daily routine was how simple the “secret combination” for productivity can really be.
A Reminder That You’re Human.
You discover who you are in the presence of another.” This is a quote from the psychotherapist Esther Perel in response to the fairly common phrase “I need to work on myself first.”
Your Attention Is Like a Beam of Light
Your attention is among the most valuable resources that you have. I cannot believe how carelessly people use their attention.
Your Winter Survival Starter Pack
As many of you know, learning languages is something I’m very passionate about.
Less is More
“Less is more. It’s also less. That’s the point.” I think I read this line in some comment section or as part of a review of some product online. I don’t remember exactly, it doesn’t matter really, but the words stuck with me.
Demand The Best For Yourself
I think the decision of beginning a new project or endeavor boils down to whether or not you’re okay with not acting on your curiosities.
The True Cost of The Things That Matter
The truly important things in life will cost what they cost, and the rest doesn’t matter.
Don’t Try to Be Interesting
Don’t try to be interesting, just worry about doing the boring things really well and there will be interesting consequences.
Life Is a Game of Incomplete Information
For the most part, we rarely consider how limited each of our individual perspectives are. Why? Awareness of this information has enormous potential for improving our lives.
More Productivity Isn’t The Answer To Your Problems
More productivity isn’t the answer to your problems: I’m astounded by how much “productivity” material is out there, where so many of the same tips and advice are shared over and over again.
On Friendship, Adversity & “Internet Honesty”
I just want to share a quote that really struck me from Dr. Vivek Murphy, former Surgeon General of the United States: “A real friend is somebody who reminds you of who you are even when you forget.”
A Simple Way to Expand Your Mind
The idea of expanding my mind is something that I find endlessly fascinating. It’s a source of optimism for me. There must be more to life.
A New Environmental Initiative: The Mental Clarity Forest
I am concerned about the environment, and there’s definitely a lot more that I could be doing to be more environmentally conscious, but there’s no better time than today to begin changing that.