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Play the Long Game
Days are short, years are long — Most days, I don’t feel particularly productive. I don’t usually feel like I got a lot done at the end of a day and I never get all the way through my to-do list.
A Reminder That You’re Human.
You discover who you are in the presence of another.” This is a quote from the psychotherapist Esther Perel in response to the fairly common phrase “I need to work on myself first.”
A Series of Thoughts For Perspective
So much has already been spoken, shared and speculated about what’s taking place right now around the world. The truth is nobody can predict what the future holds.
Your Duty as a Human Being
“Perform your prescribed duty, for action is better than inaction. A man cannot even maintain his physical body without work.” Bhagavad Gita 3.8
Your Biology is Inescapable
No matter how philosophical or intellectual or calculated you may consider yourself, your biology has an immediacy on your decisions that is unrivaled. Considering things this way reveals one of the (many) truly devastating effects of food insecurity.