
Mental Clarity Forest

I strongly believe that many of the problems we face in the world today are rooted in the idea that humanity sees itself as somehow separate from nature. We’ve come to take the resources that we pull from the Earth for granted.


About Treedom

Fortunately, people are waking up to the reality that things need to change. Treedom, based in Florence Italy, is a fantastic example, and have committed themselves to this ambition to aid climate change and reverse the damage that we’re doing to our environment, and I’m very excited to be teaming up with them.


Our work

There is a lack of transparency into what goes into planting trees and helping the environment. This desire to better understand how it all works led me to visit the Treedom office in Italy in person.

The team’s amazing work inspired me to pledge 10% of my Patreon income every month to an initiative making a consistent impact: The Mental Clarity Forest.

Patrons pledging at the $25+ tier will receive a tree in this forest in their name, and the Treedom website has geotracking capabilities if you’re interested in finding out more or visiting the exact tree(s) in person.

How it works

This is what is known as a “digital” forest, which are very real, very physical trees connected through geotags of the location of newly planted seeds in different countries around the world. This is done to maximize efficiency and not overwhelm individual farmers.

Members of the forest may choose any of the available geographic locations such as Kenya, Tanzania, and Guatemala. Treedom then offers to plant an assortment of trees only native to that country’s environment to help the ecosystem persevere.