Reminders That You Are Alive

It’s almost silly to say it, but I think I need reminders that I’m alive.

Obviously, I know I’m alive. That’s not what I mean. What I mean is that it’s really easy to lose sight of how incredible it is that I’m alive, to forget that I am the architect of the meaning of my life and that it’s possible to have a lot of fun and enjoy myself while I’m here.

What do I mean by “reminders”? I’m talking about the things that snap you awake, that give you a little more perspective on the grandeur of the world around you, and how connected it all is.

Here’s a short list of some things that I have found to reliably act as reminders for me in this way:

  • Immersion in nature, like a beautiful hike (its expansiveness makes me feel small in the best possible way).

  • Cold exposure (pictured above). It’s a literal shock to the system, and you must pay a great deal of attention to your body and breathe to regain control. Also, the adrenaline is phenomenal.

  • Art – there’s nothing like a brilliant book / film / album. If it makes me emotional, I feel alive and I remember what I care about in life.

  • Intense physical activity: there is something about occupying my body with something to do that liberates my mind from rumination and worry.

  • A profound conversation with a person. I get a high from aligning with someone else and exchanging ideas, it fills me with energy to make and do things.


Do things that remind you that you’re alive. It’s way too easy to forget.

I. Kraig Adams: Hiking 60 Miles Alone in Grindelwald, Switzerland

Kraig’s channel is heavily focused on hiking and does well to highlight the expanse of nature. His videos are cinematic, calming, and incredible examples of experiencing the grandeurs of life, nature, and the world around you in a purely simple way.

I like that his work reflects the approach he has chosen to have in life.

II. Guided Breathwork Session

You’ve probably already seen this if you’re familiar with breathwork already but I’ll leave it here for reference. Can’t go wrong with this.

III. About Time trailer (a movie recommendation)

Without spoiling too much, this is a film that on the surface might appear to be yet another rom-com…and while it is a story about love, it’s also a film about time-travel and family and the meaning of life…and about making time to enjoy and appreciate the short amount of time that we have in life.

I really liked it. :P

Music Recommendation

1) Giant fan of this song lately.

2) All of this time in Austria recently has me listening to a lot of classical music. This is my current favorite composer. Surprise, he’s Austrian.


Reminders That You Are Alive (the No Backup Plan videos are back baby).

→ I spent some time exploring one of the reasons why I think the world is so overwhelming to so many people. I don’t expect everyone to agree with me, but I do think that this makes for an interesting dinner conversation.

Thanks for reading,

Nathaniel Drew


The Biggest Lie We Tell Ourselves


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