
Language Learning Resources

Here you will find free language learning resources I developed when studying Portuguese, which I have since expanded to French, Spanish & Italian. They can be adapted to any language you’re interested in learning.


Here are the resources by language:

French (use password “motdepasse”) →

Italian (use password “password”) →

Spanish (use password “contrasena” – no tilda over the n) →

Portuguese (use password “senha”) →

I would recommend bookmarking the page and saving the password somewhere. These resources can be easily adapted to whatever language you’re learning.

What you will find:

  1. Spreadsheets of top vocabulary that I personally created and referenced in my Portuguese series

  2. Audio files to learn/practice correct pronunciation of the vocabulary provided by Jo Franco

  3. A playlist of Portuguese music that I created

  4. Resources for grammar

  5. Podcast and movie suggestions

  6. My handwritten notes

Disclaimer: This is an informal set of resources that I developed throughout my week studying Portuguese. Once again, this was created using a mixture of research and my experience learning previous languages; it is tailored to my kind of speaking style and interests. I hope you will find it useful.